Ice Mountain Chains

Rosary Necklace

This rosary is perfect for praying with in church or out of church.  It uses all Aluminum rings, making it super lightweight yet durable.  There are two different weaves used for this rosary: byzantine which is used for the praying beads and 2-2-2-2 for the chain that helps connect the many beads in this chain.  The cross in this necklace uses Persian 6-1.

This chain uses three different rings sizes, 1/4" 18g for the cross, 20g 2.75mm for the small chain, and 18g 4mm for the byzantine beads.

However, if you don't want this rosary to be made out of aluminum, it can be done in Enameled Copper to add color.  You can color both the beads and the chain, and even the cross.

Cross Color
Bead color
Chain Color